
Student Member Benefits

New to ASLA?

Join today to take advantage of great ASLA benefits:

Landscape Architecture Education

Need to Do Research for Your Project?

  • Membership provides free access to the LAM archive dating back to 1900 at JSTOR, which is a great resource for your research needs, along with the Professional Practice resource guides.
  • ASLA Research Reports provide technical information about new and evolving practices. These papers are a key vehicle for professional members to share their expertise. Research Reports are a product of the ASLA Fund. All reports are free for ASLA members.

Student Chapter Resources

Student Awards

Each year, the ASLA Student Awards give us a glimpse into the future of the profession. Award recipients are featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine, the magazine of ASLA, and in many other design and construction industry and general-interest media. Award recipients and their advisors are honored at the awards presentation ceremony during the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture.

Student Conference

Organized entirely by students, LABash is an annual landscape architecture conference hosted each year since 1970 by a different landscape architecture program in North America. The three-day conference features design workshops, lectures from professors and professionals, charrettes, and numerous networking events. ASLA is a proud sponsor of LABash!

Attend the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture. Rates are discounted for student members. Check with your local professional chapter to see if they are sponsoring students, too! Learn more about the profession at workshops, field sessions, and lectures. Mingle with the professionals and have fun at the tailgate party and other sponsored events.


ASLA Membership

