Twenty Years, Twenty Stories

ASLA + NPS Partnership: North Beach Eco Park

City of Corpus Christi, Texas, 2019

 The City of Corpus Christi owns over thirty acres of wetlands and beachfront on the island of North Beach, a popular tourist destination and home to the Texas State Aquarium and USS Lexington. NPS-RTCA facilitated the planning of an "eco park" that will expand outdoor recreation and education opportunities available to North Beach residents and visitors, and informed area institutions, educators, and wildlife management experts.

In the fall of 2019, NPS-RTCA collaborated with the Houston-Gulf Coast Section of the Texas Chapter of ASLA to organize a two-day design workshop, a “charrette,” focused on identifying community desires and generating feasible park designs. Three park designs were generated using feedback collected in the workshop and residents’ design preferences through an online questionnaire, resulting in a master plan for the park.

RTCA and ASLA’s collaboration on public engagement and the charrette, brought community members and area organizations together to build interest and generate ideas and support for the North Beach Eco Park.

Read more about the ASLA + NPS Partnership



ASLA General Inquiries:  

ASLA Center Event
Space Inquiries: 
Janet W. Davis

PR Inquiries:  

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion
Lisa Jennings
Senior Manager, Career Discovery
and Diversity 

Donations to the ASLA Fund:  

