
Payment Options

To support our members, ASLA offers many payment options for membership dues:
Auto Renew with Annual or Monthly Payments

ASLA now offers an auto renew option for individual members (excluding students) with annual or monthly payments. You can enroll in auto renew during your annual membership renewal period. To enroll in auto renew for your membership dues:

  1. Login at 
  2. Click on the orange Renew Now button on the left menu. Please note, the renew button is only visible if you membership is due to renew. 
  3. Review your dues and click on Proceed to Checkout
  4. From your checkout cart, see Auto Renew Option and select Enroll Now

Limited Status

If you are working 25 hours/week or less, you can qualify for limited status that discounts national and chapter dues by 50 percent. This option is available to any member with 15 or more years of continuous membership.
Temporary Limited Status

If you have returned to school for a full-time graduate degree program, you are eligible for a 50 percent discount of national and chapter dues.

Hardship Waiver

If you have lost your job, or you are experiencing other hardship, disability, or special consideration, you may be eligible for full waiver of national and chapter dues. Applicants for a waiver must provide a written explanation with support the president of their chapter to national ASLA. Waivers are provided in six-month increments and are renewable. Waivers due to unemployment are available for up to two years cumulative over the member’s lifetime.  
Emeritus Status

To qualify for emeritus status, Full members must meet all three of the following criteria: (1) 25 years of continuous ASLA membership; (2) of age to collect Social Security benefits; and (3) fully retired from active practice. Emeritus members are exempt from national and chapter dues. 

Additional optional charge applies to receive Landscape Architecture Magazine.
For more information, contact ASLA customer service at 202-898-2444 or


ASLA Membership

