Updates from ASLA


Call for National Officer Candidates

The ASLA Nominating Committee will convene in the fall to prepare the 2023 national officer slate. The committee requests your help now in identifying potential candidates for the following offices:

  • 2024 President-Elect
  • 2025-26 Vice President, Membership
  • 2025-26 Vice President, Professional Practice

Your participation in the process is extremely important to ensure ASLA has a diverse pool of candidates. Please review the information below on eligibility and officer roles/responsibilities and forward your suggestions to Corporate Secretary Curt Millay by Tuesday, August 23, 2022. Putting your own hat in the ring is perfectly fine. All individuals whose names are put forward will be contacted once the call closes to determine their willingness to run and will be asked for a brief summary of their interests and experience.

Candidates for president-elect must be Full Members of the Society and must have completed at least one full term as a chapter trustee or national vice president prior to installation as president-elect. Candidates for vice president must be Full Members.

Officers are members of the Board of Trustees and serve on the Executive Committee (ExCom). The ExCom:

  • Serves as the administrative committee of the Board of Trustees (BOT), implements policy, and acts for the BOT between meetings of the board;
  • Serves as the strategic planning committee of the Board of Trustees;
  • Reviews and recommends annual operating plans and budgets to the Board of Trustees;
  • Selects the executive vice president/CEO and annually reviews the incumbent’s performance.

The Executive Committee meets quarterly, twice in conjunction with meetings of the Board of Trustees (in the spring and just prior to the annual conference) and twice on its own (mid-winter and mid-summer), and holds monthly conference calls.

 Officer Position Descriptions

There are six vice presidents on the Executive Committee in the following program areas: communication, education, finance, government affairs, membership, and professional practice. Each year, two vice presidents are elected to serve staggered three-year terms.


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