Books by ASLA Members
The Sustainable SITES Initiative® (SITES®) and sustainable design planning, design, implementation, and maintenance how-to books.
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America's Natural Places. The Midwest / Jason Ney, Terri Nichols (Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood Press/ABC-CLIO, 2010).
Artful Rainwater Design: Creative Ways to Manage Stormwater / Stuart Echols and Eliza Pennypacker (Island Press, 2015).
Asphalt to Ecosystems : Design Ideas for Schoolyard Transformation / Sharon Gamson Danks (Oakland, Calif. : New Village Press, 2010).
Best Practices in Sustainable Building Design / Shahin Vassigh, Ebru Özer, Thomas Spiegelhalter (Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. : J. Ross Publishing, 2012).
Biodiversity Planning and Design : Sustainable Practices / Jack Ahern, Elizabeth Leduc, Mary Lee York (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2006).
Building within Nature : A Guide for Home Owners, Contractors, and Architects / Andy Wasowski with Sally Wasowski ; foreword by Darrel G. Morrison ; photography by Andy Wasowski (Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2006).
Community Open Spaces : Greening Neighborhoods through Community Action and Land Conservation / Mark Francis, Lisa Cashdan, and Lynn Paxson (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 1984).
Conservation Communities: Creating Value with Nature, Open Space, and Agriculture / Ed McMahon (Chicago : Urban Land Institute, 2012).
Constructed Wetlands and Sustainable Development / Gary Austin and Kongjian Yu, eds. (Routledge, 2016).
Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape / Craig S. Campbell, Michael Ogden (New York : Wiley, 1999).
Design for Human Ecosystems : Landscape, Land use, and Natural Resources / John Tillman Lyle (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 1999).
Design for a Vulnerable Planet / Frederick Steiner (Austin : University of Texas Press, 2011).
Design for Water : Rainwater Harvesting, Stormwater Catchment, and Alternate Water Reuse / Heather Kinkade-Levario (Gabriola Island, B.C. : New Society Publishers, 2007).
Designed for the Future : 80 Practical Ideas for a Sustainable World / Jared Green (New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2015).
Designing Greenways : Sustainable Landscapes for Nature and People / Paul Cawood Hellmund & Daniel Somers Smith (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2006).
Designing the Sustainable Site : Integrated Design Strategies for Small-scale Sites and Residential Landscapes / Heather Venhaus (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2012).
Eat Up: The Inside Scoop on Rooftop Agriculture / Lauren Mandel (New Society Publishers, 2013).
The Ecological Design and Planning Reader / Forster O. Ndubisi (Washington, DC : Island Press, 2014).
Ecoregional Green Roofs: Theory and Application in the Western USA and Canada / Bruce Dvorak, ed. (Springer, 2021).
Gateway : Visions for an Urban National Park / Alexander Brash, Jamie Hand, Kate Orff, editors (New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2011).
Gray World, Green Heart : Technology, Nature, and Sustainable Landscape / Robert L. Thayer, Jr. (New York : Wiley, 1994).
Green Infrastructure : A Landscape Approach / David C. Rouse, AICP, and Ignacio F. Bunster-Ossa (Chicago, Ill. : American Planning Association, 2013).
Green Infrastructure : Linking Landscapes and Communities / Mark A. Benedict, Edward T. McMahon (Washington, DC : Island Press, 2006).
Green Roof : A Case Study / Christian Werthman (New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2007).
Green Roofs in Sustainable Landscape Design / Steven L. Cantor ; foreword by Steven Peck (New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2008).
Green Roof Systems : A Guide to the Planning, Design, and Construction of Landscapes over Structure / Susan K. Weiler, Katrin Scholz-Barth (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2009).
Greening Cities, Growing Communities : Learning from Seattle's Urban Community Gardens / Jeffrey Hou, Julie M. Johnson, and Laura J. Lawson (Washington, D.C. : Landscape Architecture Foundation, 2009).
Greening the Landscape : Strategies for Environmentally Sound Practice / Adam Regn Arvidson (New York : W.W. Norton, 2012).
Human Ecology : How Nature and Culture Shape Our World / Frederick R. Steiner (Washington D.C. : Island Press, 2016).
An Inconvenient Sequel : Truth to Power : Your Action Handbook to Learn the Science, Find Your Voice, and Help Solve the Climate Crisis / Al Gore (New York, NY : Rodale, 2017).
An Inconvenient Truth : The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It / Al Gore (Emmaus, Pa. : Rodale Press, 2006).
Introduction to Stormwater : Concept, Purpose, Design / Bruce K. Ferguson (New York : Wiley, 1998).
Land and Natural Development (LAND) Code : Guidelines for Sustainable Land Development / Diana Balmori and Gaboury Benoit (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2007).
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sustainability: Creating Positive Change Through Design / Joshua Zeunert (New York : Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2017).
Landscape as Infrastructure: A Base Primer / Pierre Belanger (Routledge, 2016).
Legends of the Hawaiian Waters / Robin Koma Lee (Honolulu, Hawaii : Makapuʻu Press, 1998).
LifePlace : Bioregional Thought and Practice / Robert L. Thayer, Jr. (Berkeley : University of California Press, 2003).
The Living Landscape : An Ecological Approach to Landscape Planning / Frederick R. Steiner (Washington, DC : Island Press, 2008).
Materials for Sustainable Sites : A Complete Guide to the Evaluation, Selection, and Use of Sustainable Construction Materials / Meg Calkins (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2009).
Modern Homestead : Grow, Raise, Create / Renee Wilkinson (Golden, Colo. : Fulcrum Pub., 2011).
The New American Landscape : Leading Voices on the Future of Sustainable Gardening / Thomas Christopher (Portland, Ore. : Timber Press, 2011).
Plant Life: The Entangled Politics of Afforestation / Rosetta S. Elkin (University of Minnesota, 2022).
Principles of Brownfield Regeneration : Cleanup, Design, and Reuse of Derelict Land / Justin B. Hollander, Niall G. Kirkwood, and Julia L. Gold (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2010).
Regenerative Design Techniques : Practical Applications in Landscape Design / Pete Melby, Thomas Cathcart (New York : Wiley, 2002).
Roof Gardens : History, Design, and Construction / Theodore Osmundson (New York : W.W. Norton, 1999).
Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities : Design Strategies for the Post-Carbon World / Patrick M. Condon (Washington D.C. : Island Press, 2010).
Sustainability Principles and Practice / Margaret Robertson (New York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2017).
Sustainable Landscape Construction : A Guide to Green Building Outdoors / Kim Sorvig, William J. Thompson (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2018).
Sustainable Site Design : Criteria, Process, and Case Studies for Integrating Site and Region in Landscape Design / Claudia Dinep, Kristin Schwab (Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, 2010).
The Sustainable Sites Handbook : A Complete Guide to the Principles, Strategies, and Practices for Sustainable Landscapes / Meg Calkins (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2012).
Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources : Policies, Planning, Design, and Implementation / James Sipes (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010).
Sustainable Stormwater Management : A Landscape-driven Approach to Planning and Design / Thomas W. Liptan, with J. David Santen Jr. (Portland, Ore. : Timber Press, 2017).
Water Centric Sustainable Communities : Planning, Retrofitting, and Building the Next Urban Environment / Vladimir Novotny, John Ahern, and Paul Brown (Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2010).
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