Honors & Awards

2013 Community Service Award
Nicholas T. Dines, FASLA
DinesNicholas T. Dines, FASLA, will receive the Community Service Award for providing sustained, pro bono service demonstrating the sound principles or values of landscape architecture. Dines, a member of the ASLA Council of Fellows from Williamsburg, Mass., has worked as a volunteer to transform physical spaces as well as bring a new awareness of the benefits and potential of landscape architecture to thousands of people. His volunteer efforts have revitalized the Williamsburg town center. Dines also co-founded the Mill River Greenway Initiative, leading to a new system of trails and parks to serve his community. 
Supporting Materials 



Honors & Awards:
Carolyn Mitchell 
Manager, Honors & Awards  

Council of Fellows:
Curt Millay, ASLA
Corporate Secretary 

