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Image Credit: Agency Landscape + Planning / Ryan Gamma Photography

TCLF's Silent Auction Opens Soon

Renowned and influential artists, landscape architects, architects, and others have contributed original works of art and rare books to The Cultural Landscape Foundation’s (TCLF) Twentieth Annual Silent Auction. As in past years, the auction is being held exclusively online; bidding starts September 23 and ends on October 10. The auction catalogue is a must-see, with beautiful images and detailed information about the nearly 100 pieces, as well as insightful and inspiring artist statements and biographies – plus, it is currently available for previewing.

Image1_Stravazavia I - Signed Lithograph by Roberto Burle Marx (2024 Auction Item) - courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Stravazavia I - Signed Lithograph by Roberto Burle Marx (2024 Auction Item) - courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

TCLF’s silent auction is always held in conjunction with the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture. To reflect this year’s conference location, D.C., there was an effort to include local artists, and D.C.-themed art and rare books. D.C.-based artist Cheryl Ann Bearss donated an expressionistic oil painting while Angela D. Dye, FASLA, contributed a lovely silk scarf, with hand drawn and painted cherry blossoms, contrasted by a baby blue sky. Another D.C.-related item to highlight is a sketch of the F.D.R. Memorial signed by Lawrence Halprin, as well as a first edition, two volume series published in 1900 and 1903 on the History of The United States Capitol, which is richly illustrated with architectural photographs, plans, and portraits.  

Image2_Watermarks TCLF Donation

Watermarks – Signed Print by Mary Miss (2024 Auction Item) - courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Another key selection of works in this year’s auction are pieces by Mary Miss, Jody Pinto, and Alice Aycock – three pioneering women of the land art movement and nationally renowned artists. Mary Miss’s piece, Watermarks, is an image and concept plan for Watermarks, an initiative designed to help citizens of Milwaukee better understand their relationships to local water systems and infrastructure. A 1983 print by Jody Pinto titled Fingerspan for Climbers’ Rock, Fairmount Park depicts her site-specific installation in Philadelphia, known as Fingerspan Bridge. Alice Aycock’s Study for Devil Whirls: Green, Yellow, White on Grey is a study for one of her signature spiraling sculptures. All these incredible pieces are signed, and further information is available in the auction catalogue.

Image3_Poppies X 3 – Signed Ink Jet Print by Cliff Garten, ASLA (2024 Auction Item) – courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation (1)

 Poppies X 3 – Signed Ink Jet Print by Cliff Garten, ASLA (2024 Auction Item) – courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Another contributor is Cliff Garten, ASLA, who works between sculpture, engineering, architecture and landscape. His compositions, Poppies X 3 and Radiolarian Burst 1, are digital reimaginations and reconstructions of hand drawn illustrations by the late, eminent German naturalist Ernst Haeckel. Explore these pieces and more in TCLF’s Twentieth Annual Silent Auction.

 Image4_Rhapsody – Signed Photograph by Millicent Harvey (2024 Auction Item) - courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Rhapsody – Signed Photograph by Millicent Harvey (2024 Auction Item) - courtesy The Cultural Landscape Foundation

All auction proceeds benefit TCLF’S education and advocacy initiatives. Register for TCLF’s silent auction to participate. If you have any questions about the bidding process or would like to learn more about the auction, please contact Claudia Bonaccorsi at, or (202) 483-0553.

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