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Image Credit: Agency Landscape + Planning / Ryan Gamma Photography

Everyone Is Transitioning to BIM. But Why?

Page Southerland Page, Inc.

Over the past few years more and more landscape architects have finally started BIMing. Its adoption amongst our discipline is growing rapidly, allowing us to progress. This isn’t that kind of technology that will replace us, but one that significantly improves our ability to execute the most challenging design ideas while fulfilling sustainability goals.

So, what exactly is BIM?

At its core, BIM signifies that every element in your design is more than just a line-based drawing, it is a digital object containing all the relevant information. Unlike traditional CAD workflows that require a designer's explanation and constant annotation during the design process, BIM models are self-explanatory. They seamlessly integrate vital design information, such as materials, quantities, or even suppliers, making this information accessible to all project stakeholders. This method drastically improves project outcomes, design decisions, and team collaboration.

When your landscape design is a BIM model, it means you can present more than just an impressive image. You can also showcase the associated data and documentation, providing a clearer picture of the project's vision, requirements, and potential costs. This approach also helps eliminate errors caused by miscommunication, reducing both time and waste, and contributing to a lower carbon footprint. That, dear readers, is the reason BIM has revolutionized the AEC industry and why project stakeholders demand BIM integration from their designers.

This may all seem too complex or even a bit scary but with the right tools and guidance, it’s a simple, straightforward, and even fun process.

What’s next?

On a personal level, BIM is a much-needed skill that can jump-start your career.

On a firm level, it’s becoming an industry standard and a necessary asset to gain more business.

And most importantly, on a discipline level, BIM is our way to stop being side-barred as landscape architects. Instead, you can play a much more significant role in your projects and have greater influence over critical decisions from even the earliest stages.

Are you ready? To kickstart your journey, we provide a free consultation, a complimentary landscape Revit Template, and a Warehouse of free Planting Families. Reach out today to get started!

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