Updates from ASLA


President-Elect Candidate Forum – Question 3

Image of Haley Blakeman, FASLA and Kona Gray, FASLA for the President Elect Candidates Question Forum, Image by ASLA.

The annual election for 2024-2025 ASLA President-Elect will be open May 2 through June 2, 2023. All Full, Associate, Student, and International members in good professional standing will be eligible to vote and will receive a paper and/or email ballot to participate. The candidates this year are Haley Blakeman, FASLA, and Kona Gray, FASLA.

Over three issues of LAND, the candidates will respond to questions related to the future of the profession and the Society.

This week’s question is ‘What are the key relationships we need to build over the next few years to help us achieve our vision?’

Haley Blakeman, FASLA's Answer | Kona Gray, FASLA's Answer

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