
SKILL | ED offers a wide cross-section of landscape architecture professionals the practice management education that is not always gained in day-to-day work.

Upcoming Live Events

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    Dive into the captivating world where artificial intelligence (AI) and landscape architecture collide at SKILL | ED. Whether you're an AI beginner or a seasoned pro, get ready to explore the risks, rewards, and applications of AI in your practice. The time to prepare is now - join us for an investigation of AI's possibilities and how the landscape architecture profession can harness its power. This description was written with the assistance of Spark AI.

On-Demand SKILL | ED Packages

Since 2021, ASLA has hosted a SKILL | ED series in June, with a mix of live and recorded content. Each SKILL | ED package contains a series of videos to watch on-demand. Some packages also offer the opportunity to earn professional development hours (LA CES/non-HSW) for completing the modules that offer PDH approved by the Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System™ (LA CES™). Discounts apply for ASLA members, so remember to log in with your existing ASLA username and password!

On-Demand SKILL | ED Webinars

In addition to the SKILL | ED packages above, individual SKILL | ED webinars also take place throughout the year and are usually available as on-demand recordings afterwards. For additional webinars on related topics, see the Business of the Business category for ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture session recordings and other presentations.

PuzzleHR Communications & Leadership Webinar Series

ASLA announced a new affinity partnership with PuzzleHR at the start of 2024. Our organizations share a commitment to professional growth, organizational development, and continuous learning. We believe our collaboration will enhance the professional development of ASLA members and contribute valuable learning opportunities for leaders in landscape architecture.

Part of this partnership is a series developed to improve your communications and leadership skills. The webinars are taking place in February, May, August, and November 2024.

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